Taxation is always a top concern in financial field of businesses. In addition, new laws, decrees, and circulars are constantly being released, which cause businesses and their accountants not fully understand and hence lead to incorrect tax accounting and declaration.

Tax operations are very complex which require highly specialized knowledge and experience… Therefore, tax agent services is extremely necessary for all businesses.

Tax agent services of Vimax Asia as a member of Vietnam Tax Consultants’ Association, within network of Vimax Asia with qualified lawyers and tax experts… we offer following services:

  • Tax registration and declaration
  • Accounting and reviewing accounting records
  • Completing accounting records
  • Preparing reports on use of invoices
  • Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual tax reports
  • Transactions, tax refunds, tax finalization
  • Directly working with tax authorities to solve related issues
  • Free tax advice for businesses

With more than 15 years of experience in fields of accounting, auditing, tax, law, finance, banking and insurance. Vimax Asia understands that any tax mistakes will lead to potentially serious consequences. Tax agent services will be safest solution to help your business grow sustainably from year to year.

Explore further

Tax refund service

Accounting and tax services

    Nguyen Duc ToanCEO/Lawyer
    Nguyen Thao Ly
    Chief of consult department
    Truong Thi Thuy
    vice - chief of consult department
    Nguyen Thi Kim Anh
    Chief of financial department